środa, 16 listopada 2016

19 March 2005

Again, the weather returns to normal

and by the way what is the standard?

As you would have explained Norma, standards, objektywyzm, own opinion, all this can be put together in so-called same pack and see what comes out of this ...

so many things around us we called. influencuja the same for the truth I do not know what you think and what they want

Already I do not know if I have a craving for something or someone that will force me to do so.

Well, look how many times he had to; I go on there any event, how many times I said that not knowing what

And what or who educates these standards?

can be more The war

I wanted to say what I myszlac heart that one day will be better

Speaking only what I think

To be more objektywny

I am naturally

Maybe not as yogurt

but I speak what I think

from time to time that lacks arguments and the fact that I consider a lot of time is potzrbny to know what's thoughts about cyms

Between the time Continue the way ...

Nicolas (2:27)
can be more
The war in Chechnya (continued)

Significant silence can meet about Chechnya "Everyone is surprised. For some strange there is other problem Rossji." Abramovich who did not clean ejst probably would have your own opinion on the matter

Leaders of Chechnya many times they wanted to convince the host that his nation wants to be independent, and not to the dubious and liquid category "allies Rossji"

You have to look for arguments about the war pretty far. You might be wondering whether it is a war of ideology? religion? culture ??

Not long ago

Not long ago, everything was fine. For the truth already believed in this. At reszczie August poukladalo.

No but everything collapsed


and the worst thing about it is the weather that is the need to go further but it does not give up, do not, I will not be this time

Longer write things during festivities

I will say what I think and why


They said

They said the devil is not only pieko that hell is something else Communism is rice, so said a great leader Kim Il Dong once and Communism is a film Fidyk? After serious books on the DPRK issued by Pyongyang, a Pole with Name Fidyk and the name Andrew decided to show a different truth. Around the film found themselves people for and against For some, in short, like BP who the movie is nothing outstanding. For me, this film is a translation of a translation But this forgiveness. This film is in some measure an attempt Humanization where you can not humaniziwac try to humanize one of najwiekszyc brodniarzom twentieth century. Well? Wrong? Case viewpoint

Quoiqu'il en soit sache que le combat continue

After all
My fight goes on I

I will not give up
But you have to know that from you nothing else I hoped
Because I did not want anything
I know what you have life, you have podejszcie
But you have to know that my fight goes on
And that will not give up after allNicolas (22:38)cleanrooms to impress :)tell them
Tell them we have an average of 20 years

You can not see but we want to win
We want also to love
From time to time we are guilty

But do not we owe the others are
Tell also your friend that I am alone with my nutkach

Tell your family from now on permanently are stored in the words of my
Tell George with Oussama arranged a

But tell him thank you too
Tell dzieczmi the studies are important,
Tell them with Nicolas says that knowing what's going on
What is going on ?
Tell my hatred of the theses I hate
Tell the people of New York that not all people with beard are crazy
Say maybe that maybe others too can be no mercy
Wake me in the morning
Give my pen, the sun is shining
Put me in a new city
Got a new way
Sometimes we feel so tired due to this road
but believe me we like it
Answer when the night id coming
time to sleep time to dream


Feel strange, disliked

Listen to the tunes Which one is witness to my suffering

But it also listen Constantly my heart beats, still I fight

Farther dream of Love but more and more getting lost

Honestly faith in confidence is getting smaller

Feel not well liked

And even this pain is difficult to hide

In solitude once I met Love

But I had too little dystanc

And later so strange: friendship is similar to disappoint

False smiles false friendship

I feel disliked

And even this pain is difficult to hide

Why give and not get?

Already on no one waiting longer because no one waiting for m